Carbon Reduction Policy Statement

Carbon Reduction Policy Statement

Assent Group are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our operations and will ensure that all is done to mitigate climate change and the adverse impact this has on the world. We are committed to complying with applicable legislation in all the jurisdictions where it operates and will share achievements with all stakeholders in and outside the organisation. Population growth, use of finite resources and greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are taking their toll in many ways not least of all through climate change and pollution and Assent Group strive to put measures in place to reduce any further impact.

This policy is supported by our carbon reduction plan strategy and delivered through collaboration with our supply chain, Assent Group is committed to:

Purpose and aim:

  • Assent Group will balance environmental commitments with other considerations such as UK emergency response operations, financial constraints and response to the humanitarian imperative.
  • It is nonetheless our aim to ensure our environmental commitments become an integral part of our day to day activities, that we seek ways to continually improve our environmental performance and operate in a responsible manner including reducing waste and making reductions in our carbon emissions from heat, power and travel.
  • Assent Group will ensure it operates within all environmental, legal and other requirements as imposed by EU and UK law and best practice.
  • Assent Group is working towards ISO 14001 certification in environmental management systems and will maintain this accolade as a minimum standard for all present and future environmental  and carbon reduction initiatives.


  • Minimise our contribution to pollution by reducing our carbon emissions and waste together with recycling, reusing and reducing wherever possible
  • Assess the adverse effects our operations may have on the environment and seek ways to minimise them
  • Introduce into our procurement practice supplier selection criteria based on a minimum environmental standard
  • Promote environmental awareness to all stakeholders including the induction of new staff
  • Monitor, report and reduce carbon emissions specifically from heat, power and travel

Governance, Measurement & Reporting:

  • Ensuring that our buildings are operated in such a manner so to optimise use and reduce emissions through control of heat and power
  • Recycling all appropriate waste such as paper, card, metals and plastics
  • Ensuring that the induction process for new starters contains information about this policy and
    obligations to adhere to it
  • Challenging behaviour of colleagues who act in a manner contrary to this policy
  • Implementing a central reporting mechanism to allow senior management to be informed about environmental issues within the organisation and achievements made in mitigating the overall environmental impact
  • Expanding the availability and use of new technologies to allow for changes in behaviour particularly around travel, e.g. greater use of video conferencing, remote inspections and the ‘virtualisation’ of IT systems
  • Including supplier selection and review criteria minimum environmental standards expected of current and future suppliers for bought in goods and services
  • Providing quarterly reports for each business unit showing carbon emissions generated from electricity, gas and travel
  • Using environmental impact assessments (EnvIA) for UK operations/projects where a potential increase risk is detriment to the environment has been identified and report on such assessments in our annual governance reports

Who is responsible for what?

  • The Chief Executive Officer has overall responsibility of this policy with employees playing a key vital role
  • Our contractors and suppliers must provide us with all necessary safe information and co-operate with our requirements

We will communicate this policy to our employees, supply chain partners and relevant interested parties and review it on an annual basis.


Iain Thomson
CEO Assent Group


This policy will be reviewed in 2024


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